Support you can count on, from people you trust.
Choosing the right services for you and your loved ones is an important decision, and can leave you with many unanswered questions.
With over 45 years of experience serving the communities of Rhode Island, Perspectives has the professionals and experts who can help you find the answers you need.

We share power with the people we serve and support them to find and own the power to reach their dreams.
Adult Services
For Adults with Disabilities Ages 21+
Our Adult Services provide community-based supports that offer individuals the opportunity to achieve greater independence and engage in a healthy, active lifestyle that meets their hopes and expectations.
Youth & Family Services
For Youth with Disabilities Up to Age 21
Our home-based and community-based services provide customized, family-centered programs that help children and youth with disabilities or special healthcare needs to advance toward full inclusion in the world around them.
Deaf Services
For Youth & Adults of All Ages
Our Deaf Services provide fully-accessible, culturally and linguistically affirmitive supports — at home and in the community — for youth and adults who are Deaf or hard of hearing.

Find out why Perspectives is the best
Human Services agency in Rhode Island.