Perspectives Corporation
Perspectives Corporation

Making Career Moves for a Great 2022 with Patience

By Sara Porcaro | Dec 29, 2021
PCSEPP, BHDDH, Employment, Opportunity, IDD, Disabilities, Rhode Island, ADA, Empower, Equality
Patience at AccessPoint RI

"If you love your job, you'll never work a day in your life"--or so people say. It's a quest that all members of the work force can relate to at some point or another, whether they're still working entry-level jobs while pursuing higher education or they're looking to climb the ranks of their current companies: the quest for a job that makes them feel good about the work they do. When a job takes up so much of our time each week, it's only natural to look for that kind of satisfaction--and in the Person Centered Supported Employment Performance Program (PCSEPP), that's exactly what our trained employment professionals help individuals do. That's why one of PCSEPP's participants, Patience, is now starting a new job that brings her closer to her true passion: fashion!
Patience learned about the program through AccessPoint RI's Career Developer Jennifer Quintana, who has been working with her for some time to discover who she is as a person. From likes and dislikes to her daily routine, and of course, in-depth discussions on the things that interest her, they've come a long way in finding not only what Patience wants to surround herself with in a job, but where the best opportunity would be to find something that matches that. While Patience already has a job at the U.S. Naval Base, helping keep it clean and tidy for the past six years, her true love lies in style and fashion--and so landing a part-time job at Burlington Coat Factory for 2022, after a successful work trial, was definitely some great news to end the year with.
"She's always been so stylish," says Jennifer, "and she loves clothes, so we both knew that working at a place like Burlington would be a great way for her to earn money while being able to work with all kinds of new clothes."
"She's always been so stylish... working at a place like Burlington would be great [for Patience]."
Whereas Patience has to wear a uniform to work at the Naval Base, at Burlington, she's able to wear what she pleases, and Jennifer's right when she says Patience's style is top notch. It's something Patience looks forward to--getting to come into work dressed in her favorite outfits, ready to help customers do the same. Even though she had limited experience in retail, when she first completed her work trial and created a video resume to show the hiring manager--which included testimony from the supervisors of her trial. Her work ethic was clear from the start, as was her willingness to jump in and learn all there was to know about the job, and so the store was happy to bring her onto the team.
"I'm excited to start there," Patience says. "There are a lot of really nice people there that I worked with who helped me a lot while I was learning the job."
While she plans to continue working at the Naval Base as well, thus being able to earn more money overall, Patience is glad to have more money to save for new fashions--and to getting an employee discount at her store. It'll also give her the experience with fashion she needs to find ways to continue pursuing her passion, as she'll be constantly surrounded by the latest releases before each season, showing her how the trends and styles evolve with time. She's got her goals laid out clear in front of her, and she's glad to have joined the program to find the way forward in her career. Way to go Patience--and best of luck with your new job!
If you or someone you know is interested in expanding your business with dedicated professionals like the ones participating in the PCSEPP program, reach out to Perspectives' Employment Team at, or call (401) 294-3990!


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