Independence Through Community: Jennifer's Goals for the Future

By Sara Porcaro | January 22, 2019

For some, the best fun is had relaxing at home. But for others, it's getting out and exploring that puts a sparkle on the day, no matter the season. With so many new things to see and new people to meet, the opportunities are endless--especially when adventurous spirits like Jennifer seek all the fun their local communities have to offer!

Since last year, Jennifer has been receiving residential services from Perspectives in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program, where Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) and her roommates all come together through American Sign Language (ASL). However, while Jennifer loves to relax, she loves getting out and active even more, making it a goal to become more involved with her local community.

"I want to be more independent and do more on my own," signs Jennifer. "I love going out, so I made it a goal to spend more time with friends and meet new people."

In her free time, she seeks out community events, such as Animal Rescue Rhode Island's fundraiser for animals, and attends ASL interpreted shows like Disney on Ice. Jennifer has also recently begun attending all kinds of new activities, such as various Special Olympics sports and the University of Rhode Island's Best Buddies program. Basketball season is in--which just so happens to be her favorite sport!

She notes, "I love basketball. We won second place at a recent tournament, which is exciting, but it's not about winning to me; it's about having a good time. The only thing that's a little hard is communicating with my coach."

When not out meeting new people and exploring the state, Jennifer gives it her all at work. The Perspectives main office runs smoothly, especially during New Employee Orientation, thanks to her work preparing employee binders, handling paperwork, and organizing employee clothing orders from the Perspectives FISH program. Jennifer loves her work at Perspectives, and she signs that she'd like a second job at a store like Wal-Mart.

Now, Jennifer is currently saving for a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) so she can play old classics like Duck Hunt, and she also has dreams of going to the Community College of Rhode Island and deciding on a career path. Jennifer has plans to become a registered voter and see her family more often, and she hopes to join the Shared Living Arrangements program, as well.

"I love kids--I have two nephews that I love to visit--and I think working with kids would be great," Jennifer signs. Working in behavioral health service jobs, such as Perspectives' Home Based Therapeutic Services (HBTS), is an interest of hers for that reason.

With such a busy schedule, Jennifer is having a blast while reaching her goals of becoming more active in the community--and she's excited for all that's still to come. She's been making awesome strides on her goal to get more active in her community, and with such an upbeat attitude, we know she'll go far! Here's to a successful 2019 for Jennifer!