Molding the Future: Artist Julia's Works on Display

By Sara Porcaro | March 29, 2018

Work and culture: two things that go into any piece of art. It's no wonder, then, that the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket hosted the opening reception of the Brain Week RI art gallery, presented by the Rhode Island Consortium of Autism Research and Treatment (RICART). In this building, once a textile mill of the Barnai Worsted Company, various exhibits of French Canadian culture and labor led visitors up to the gallery--where Julia Sposato's art shined bright for reception guests.

Julia, the creative force behind her online art business, "Just Julia Designs," has been expressing herself through art from a young age--namely, through drawing pictures of Sesame Street icon, Elmo. With the support of her family, friends, teachers, and behavioral specialists, Julia has since taken her passion to a new level, assembling books of her artwork with the help of Perspectives' Transitional School Services (TSS)--books that inspired the store's launch.

This year's RICART showing was the second annual reception, and Julia has donated art for display both times with other proud artists of all ages. Julia has also donated her art to Anthony Quinn's widow, Katherine Quinn, at a reception honoring Autism Center founders, and to a Massachusetts fundraiser, earning over two thousand dollars.

Julia, when asked about her art, is enthusiastic: she truly enjoys every bit of it, noting that her favorite type of art is painting. "It's relaxing for her," says Jordan, a Perspectives Direct Support Professonal.

Continuing the Career

With such strong passion and skill in her art, it only made sense to channel that creative energy into an occupation--and Julia is doing just that through Just Julia Designs. From ink pieces to abstract paintings, Julia made enough money selling her art to begin taking pottery classes--now another set of art for sale on her website. She makes her art at The Guild in Peacedale, creating bowls, cups, plates, and more. And when she's not creating art, she's lending a helping hand at Green Development, LLC, taking care of the office shredding and keeping the space clean.

Representing Julia and her business at the gallery were two colorful paintings, an elegant black and white ink octopus, and a beautiful red plate and blue vase. The museum's gallery space has been open for twenty years, serving to bring modern art inspired by the area's industrial history. RICART approached the museum for event-hosting due to its All-Ability Inclusive Programming--and so began the creative displays in the museum gallery space.

"It's been very successful both years," says the museum's Assistant Director Sarah Carr, "and it's been especially popular with schools who tour here. It's a great way to celebrate everyone's artistic expression."

A powerful work ethic, a culture of support and expression, and the will to chase her passions--these are the materials for a bright future in the arts. To support Julia in her art career, check out Just Julia Designs' website and Facebook page!